Source code for mFlow.Workflow.workflow

import networkx as nx
import time
from concurrent import futures
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import networkx as nx
from networkx.generators.triads import triad_graph
import mFlow.Workflow.scheduler as scheduler
from mFlow.Workflow.compute_graph import pipelineNode
import os
[docs]class workflow():
[docs] def __init__(self, nodes={}): ''' Workflow constructor Args: nodes (dict): a dictionary of workflow output nodes. Keys are used as tags to identify outputs. ''' self.graph=nx.DiGraph() self.labels={} self.out_nodes = [] self.pipeline_dict = {} self.pipelineGraph = nx.DiGraph() #If have compute nodes, add to graph #along with all parents for tag in nodes: node = nodes[tag] self.add_output(node, tag) self.pipeline(self.graph)
[docs] def add_output(self, node, tag): ''' Adds the given workflow node to the set of workflow outputs with the given tag, then adds all of the node's ancestors to the workflow. Args: node: a workflow node tag: a string to identifiy the node ''' node.out_tag = tag node.is_output=True self.add(node)
[docs] def add(self, nodes): ''' Adds the given list of workflow nodes to the workflow, along with all of their ancestors. Sets the out_tag property of the nodes if not already set. Args: nodes: a list of workflow nodes (or a single workflow node). ''' if type(nodes) is not list: nodes=[nodes] self.out_nodes = self.out_nodes + nodes for node in nodes: if(not hasattr(node,"out_tag")): node.out_tag = self.recursive_add_node(node)
[docs] def remove(self, nodes): ''' Removes the given workflow nodes from the workflow, along with all of their descendents. Args: nodes: a list of workflow nodes (or a single workflow node). ''' if type(nodes) is not list: nodes = [nodes] for node in nodes: node_id = str(id(node)) #print(" Removing: ",, node_id) if node_id in self.graph.nodes(): #Get descendents descendants = nx.descendants(self.graph,source=node_id) #Remove node from graph self.graph.remove_node(node_id) if(node in self.out_nodes): self.out_nodes.remove(node) #Remove any descendents from graph for descendant_id in descendants: this_node = self.graph.nodes[descendant_id]["block"] print(" Removing: ",, descendant_id) self.graph.remove_node(descendant_id) if(this_node in self.out_nodes): self.out_nodes.remove(this_node)
[docs] def recursive_add_node(self, node): ''' Adds the given list of workflow nodes to the workflow, along with all of their ancestors. If the node is already in the workflow, does not add duplicates. Args: nodes: a list of workflow nodes. ''' #Get node name and ID node_id = str(id(node)) # print(str(id(node))) if node_id in self.graph.nodes(): #list(self.blocks.keys()): #If node exists, do not add agan, #just return node name return(node_id) else: #If node does not exist, add to graph self.add_node(node_id, node) #Check for all nodes that are parents in args list #and add, with edges to this node for i in node.args_parents: parent_id = self.recursive_add_node(node.args_parents[i]) self.graph.add_edge(parent_id, node_id) #Check for all nodes that are parents in kwargs list #and add, with edges to this node for kw in node.kwargs_parents: parent_id = self.recursive_add_node(node.kwargs_parents[kw]) self.graph.add_edge(parent_id, node_id) return(node_id)
[docs] def add_node(self, name, block): ''' Adds a node to the workflow with a specified name and block. Args: name (str): unique name for workflow node block: the workflow block for this node ''' #self.blocks[name] = block self.graph.add_node(name, block=block,, shape="box", style="filled", fillcolor="white",color="black", fontname="helvetica") self.labels[name] =
[docs] def add_edge(self, node_from, node_to): ''' Add a directed edge between nodes Args: node_from: ID of from node node_to: ID of to node ''' self.graph.add_edge(node_from, node_to)
[docs] def set_status(self,node,status): ''' Set the status of a workflow node Args: node: a workflow node status (string): scheduled | notscheduled | running | done ''' node["block"].status=status if(status=="scheduled"): node["fillcolor"]="lemonchiffon" elif(status=="notscheduled"): node["fillcolor"]="white" elif(status=="running"): node["fillcolor"]="palegreen3" elif(status=="done"): node["fillcolor"]="lightblue"
[docs] def draw(self, refresh=True): ''' Display the workflow graph in a Jupyter notebook Args: refresh (bool): If True, clear the cell before drawing. ''' import networkx as nx from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import write_dot, graphviz_layout import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from IPython.display import Image, display,clear_output pdot = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(self.graph) pdot.set_rankdir("LR") if not os.path.exists("Temp"): os.mkdir("Temp") pdot.write_png("Temp/temp.png") if(refresh): clear_output(wait=True) display(Image(filename='Temp/temp.png'))
[docs] def drawPipelined(self, refresh=True): ''' Display pipilined workflow graph in a Jupyter notebook. Args: refresh (bool): If True, clear the cell before drawing. ''' import networkx as nx from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import write_dot, graphviz_layout import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from IPython.display import Image, display,clear_output pdot = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(self.pipelineGraph) pdot.set_rankdir("LR") pdot.write_png("Temp/temp.png") if(refresh): clear_output(wait=True) display(Image(filename='Temp/temp.png'))
[docs] def run(self, backend="sequential", num_workers=1, monitor=False,from_scratch=False): ''' Run the workflow with the specified backend scheduler. Args: backend (string): The type of scheduling backend to use (sequential | multithread | multiprocess | pipeline | multithread_pipeline | multiprocess_pipeline). See mFlow.Workflow.scheduler for documentation. num_workers (int): Number of workers to use in parallel backends monitor (bool): If True, use graphical execution monitorin for Jupyter notebooks from_scratch (bool): If True, run the workflow from scratch, discarding any cached results. ''' return, backend=backend, num_workers=num_workers, monitor=monitor,from_scratch=from_scratch)
[docs] def add_pipeline_node(self, id, plNode): ''' Add a pipline node to pipeline workflow graph Args: id (string): id for the node plNode: pipelined workflow node ''' self.pipelineGraph.add_node(id, block=plNode,, shape="box", style="filled", fillcolor="white",color="black", fontname="helvetica")
[docs] def pipelineGraphCreate(self, process_dict): ''' Convert a dictionary of pipelined workflow nodes to a pipelined workflow graph. Args: process_dict: dictionary of pipelined workflow nodes. ''' pipelineNodeList = [] for key in process_dict: plNode = pipelineNode(self.graph, process_dict[key], key) pipelineNodeList.append(plNode) self.add_pipeline_node(key, plNode) for plNode in pipelineNodeList: for plNode_adj in pipelineNodeList: # print(self.graph.node[plNode.tail]["block"]) # print(list(self.graph.node[plNode_adj.head]["block"].args_parents.values())) # print("next") if self.graph.nodes[plNode.tail]["block"] in self.graph.nodes[plNode_adj.head]["block"].args_parents.values(): # print("1") self.pipelineGraph.add_edge(,
[docs] def pipeline(self, initGraph): ''' Convert the given workflow graph to a pipelined representation where chanins in the workflow graph are replaced by single node. Args: initGraph: A workflow graph. ''' execute_order = list(nx.topological_sort(initGraph)) # print("execute order : ") root_nodes = [] for idx, id in enumerate(execute_order): if len(list(initGraph.predecessors(id))) == 0: root_nodes.append(idx) #print(initGraph.node[id]["block"].name + str(id)) node_lists = [] for idx in root_nodes: node_lists.append(list(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(initGraph, source=execute_order[idx]))) process_dict = {} marked_nodes = [] key_num = 0 #print(node_lists) for node_list in node_lists: for id in node_list: marked_nodes.append(id) if len(list(initGraph.predecessors(id))) == 0: # process_dict[key_num] = [initGraph.node[id]["block"].name] process_dict[key_num] = [id] if len(list(initGraph.successors(id))) == 1: if list(initGraph.successors(id))[0] in marked_nodes: key_num += 1 elif len(list(initGraph.successors(id))) == 0: key_num += 1 elif len(list(initGraph.successors(id))) > 1: key_num += 1 elif len(list(initGraph.predecessors(id))) == 1: if len(list(initGraph.successors(id))) == 1: if key_num not in process_dict.keys(): # process_dict[key_num] = [initGraph.node[id]["block"].name] process_dict[key_num] = [id] else: # process_dict[key_num].append(initGraph.node[id]["block"].name) process_dict[key_num].append(id) if list(initGraph.successors(id))[0] in marked_nodes: key_num += 1 elif len(list(initGraph.successors(id))) == 0: if key_num not in process_dict.keys(): # process_dict[key_num] = [initGraph.node[id]["block"].name] process_dict[key_num] = [id] key_num += 1 else: # process_dict[key_num].append(initGraph.node[id]["block"].name) process_dict[key_num].append(id) key_num += 1 elif len(list(initGraph.successors(id))) > 1: if key_num not in process_dict.keys(): # process_dict[key_num] = [initGraph.node[id]["block"].name] process_dict[key_num] = [id] else: # process_dict[key_num].append(initGraph.node[id]["block"].name) process_dict[key_num].append(id) key_num += 1 elif len(list(initGraph.predecessors(id))) > 1: key_num += 1 if len(list(initGraph.successors(id))) == 1: # process_dict[key_num] = [initGraph.node[id]["block"].name] process_dict[key_num] = [id] if list(initGraph.successors(id))[0] in marked_nodes: key_num += 1 elif len(list(initGraph.successors(id))) == 0: # process_dict[key_num] = [initGraph.node[id]["block"].name] process_dict[key_num] = [id] key_num += 1 elif len(list(initGraph.successors(id))) > 1: # process_dict[key_num] = [initGraph.node[id]["block"].name] process_dict[key_num] = [id] key_num += 1 # print(process_dict) self.pipelineGraphCreate(process_dict)